the Nanite Systems documentation portal support.ns

Welcome to the Nanite Systems support information site. This is the primary and recommended source for learning about how to use Nanite Systems products and services.

what's new

ARES: A new era begins for Nanite Systems. Visit the ARES informational site to learn more.

@beacon: Occasionally we also host Saturday events from 2 to 3 PM SLT to discuss upcoming product releases, events in Eisa, tutorials, and more. Events will be announced in Group Notices of the Nanite Systems User Group shortly before they occur.

The Robot Hardware Handbook is your source for bridging the gap between the controller and roleplay. It's packed full of details for tinkerers, lore geeks, and documentation on more advanced topics.

getting started

8.4 New Users' Guide: Installing the battery, booting up, using the menu and commands, power management, hazards, user and access management, and the HUD. Just getting started? Read this! A thorough guide to everything you need to know to survive in Companion 8.4, first presented at the 2017 SL Sci-Fi Convention.

Command reference: The primary source for learning about the system commands has been updated, and now contains the same information as the on-board help command. If you're lost using the command line, check this out.

Companion User Manual (PDF): Yearn for the old days of the DAX/2 paper documentation? Yearn no longer.

Robots 100 series

Running, but not sure where to start? This lecture series, covering Companion 8.3, is a great way to get oriented. If you've read the 8.4 guide above, much of this information is still worth reading.

Robots 101 - Introduction: A wide range of basic topics.
Lecture transcript (Jan 31, 2016)

Robots 102 - It's Not You, It's Me: Advice for dealing with bugs, an introduction to company history and unit behavioral protocols, and some customization information.
Lecture transcript (Feb 7, 2016)

Robots 103 - Personalities: How to create personalities and distribute packages.
Lecture transcript (Feb 18, 2016)

other online resources

NSIS: The primary Nanite Systems wiki for R&D and company information.
develop.ns: The central repository for all information related to system and application development.

still have questions?

Contact Nanite Systems customer service directly. Response guaranteed within 72 hours; usually within 12.
File a bug report if you're sure you've found something that doesn't work right.
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