Battery installation/removal
To install a battery without assistance, we recommend using the Firestorm Viewer, if only for the installation and removal processes.


  1. Attach the controller via the inventory. (right click —› Add to Worn)
  2. Attach the battery via the inventory. (right click —› Add to Worn)
  3. Touch the battery via the inventory. (right click —› Touch)
  4. Touch the controller via the inventory. (right click —› Touch)


  1. Shut the controller down.
  2. Via the inventory, detach the controller. (right click —› Detach)
  3. Via the inventory, touch and detach the battery. (right click —› Touch, right click —› Detach)
  4. If obscured vision persists, re-attach and then remove the controller again.

Removing the controller before the battery makes it possible to skip opening the hatch, which can be very challenging with vision impairments.

Note that if the unit is running Companion 8.4 or later, auxiliary power is required to perform self-touching while powered down.