announcer {} announcer.battery-000 Battery depleted. Shutting down. announcer.battery-005 Battery level at 5 percent. Suspending operations. announcer.battery-010 Battery level at 10 percent. Recharging is required. announcer.battery-020 Battery level at 20 percent. Reduce power usage to extend operation. announcer.battery-050 Battery level at 50 percent. announcer.battery-100 Fully charged. announcer.device-1 Device installed. announcer.device-0 Device removed. announcer.device-error Device error. announcer.power-on System online. announcer.power-off System halted. announcer.integrity-100 Chassis at full integrity. announcer.integrity-075 Chassis at 75 percent integrity. announcer.integrity-050 Chassis at 50 percent integrity. announcer.integrity-025 Chassis at 25 percent integrity. Repairs are urgently required. announcer.follow-1 Escort initiated. announcer.follow-0 Escort terminated. announcer.cryolube-100 Cryolubricant full. announcer.cryolube-050 Cryolubricant pressure at 50 percent. announcer.cryolube-025 Cryolubricant pressure at 25 percent. Resupply is required. announcer.heat-1 Overheat warning. announcer.heat-0 Cold warning. announcer.pressure-1 Pressure warning. announcer.pressure-0 Extended operation in vacuum may cause overheating. announcer.nav-1 Navigation initiated. announcer.nav-0 Navigation complete. announcer.nav-error Navigation aborted. announcer.persona-1 Persona activated. announcer.persona-0 Default persona restored. announcer.charging-1 Charging initiated. announcer.charging-0 Charging complete. announcer.charging-error Charging aborted. Repair initiated. Repair complete. Repair aborted. announcer.device-1-remote Remote device connected. announcer.device-0-remote Remote device disconnected. announcer.device-error-remote Remote device error. announcer.owner-1 New owner assigned. announcer.owner-0 Owner removed. announcer.sync-1 Beginning data synchronization. Please wait. announcer.sync-0 Data synchronization complete. announcer.sync-error Data synchronization aborted. announcer.dqd-1 Degreelessness mode activated. announcer.dqd-0 Degreelessness mode deactivated. Target acquired. Target lost. announcer.access-1 Guest access granted. announcer.access-0 Guest access denied. announcer.subsystem-1 Subsystem activated. announcer.subsystem-0 Subsystem deactivated. announcer.subsystem-profile Subsystem profile loaded. announcer.server-1 Connected to remote server. announcer.server-0 Disconnected from remote server. announcer.server-error Connection to remote server aborted. Teleportation complete. announcer.error Error. announcer.error-critical Critical error. announcer.error-malfunction Hardware malfunction detected. announcer.lock-1 Unit locked. announcer.lock-0 Unit unlocked. announcer.operation-0 Operation complete. announcer.activate Activated. announcer.deactivate Deactivated. announcer.not-found Not found. announcer.denied Access denied. announcer.operation-1 Initiated. announcer.operation-error Terminated.