sentinel (Security Enhancements)
ENH 1923. Shield-based crash protection (2x for ready, 3x for active), increased base crash protection (2017-07-02 12:21:16)
ENH 1922. Pressure and pressure damage support (2017-06-18 19:42:47)
ENH 1903. TrueShield (2017-05-28 06:16:08)
ENH 1901. Heat from interference (2017-05-28 06:04:48)
ENH 1217. Added 'base-temp' CSU keyword (2017-03-07 18:07:44)
ENH 1216. Reduced clock speed to 2 Hz (was 4 Hz) (2017-03-07 18:07:48)
ENH 1215. Added temperature unit control for ° C, ° F, or K (defaults to Celsius; no HUD support yet) (2017-03-07 18:05:07)
ENH 691. Added 907 SENTINEL_INTEGRITY for applications, and modified 900 SENTINEL_STATUS to be able to send it (2017-01-22 08:51:31)
ENH 650. Halved impact damage when unit is moving and collider isn't (2017-01-08 02:35:50)
ENH 588. overheat-temp support from chassis config (2016-12-24 17:05:15)
ENH 575. Switch to using !broken/!fixed instead of direct light bus messages (2016-12-17 18:17:20)
MOD 2706. [AT_DMG] and meleedamage only dealing a tenth of correct amount (2021-12-14 15:34:26)
MOD 2607. Don't take controls in state_entry (2021-05-27 04:25:46)
MOD 1218. Out-of-bounds CSU settings are now ignored (previously a bad chassis durability modifier would cause boot problems and out-of-range temperatures were accepted) (2017-03-07 18:07:41)
MOD 703. Fixed spamming of 907 and integrity messages (again) (2017-01-26 19:11:50)
MOD 605. limit frequency of integrity light bus messages during self-repair (2016-12-31 17:25:08)
MIN 2609. Death animation fix (2021-05-30 19:42:11)
MIN 1964. Fixed cases where out-of-bounds pressure could be accepted when simultaneously encountering extreme temperature (2017-07-23 17:17:33)
MIN 649. Fixed some cases where fixed was being sent directly over the light bus (2017-01-08 02:35:53)
MIN 513. Remove power draw during module uninstall. Add a linked message to the eraser script, maybe? (2016-12-18 10:02:26)

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