puppet (Device Manager)
MOD 1010. make light bus and linked message commands for querying and reporting subsystem status more robust and complete and not imaginary: subsystem-q and message 170 (replies with message 171 if linked message response requested) (2017-02-23 15:59:14)
MOD 1008. fixed chorus and drainprotect toggles (especially in menus) (2017-02-22 22:09:58)
MOD 966. sink replies from old icons generate 'access denied' spam—handled this by ignoring any numbers sent to the remote radio interface (2017-02-23 16:06:32)
MOD 960. interference can no longer be applied while the unit is powered down (2017-02-23 16:13:21)
MOD 946. fixes for HUD auto-attach/give (2017-02-22 22:07:47)
MOD 769. fixed a bug where rejected devices would install anyway (2017-02-22 22:02:33)
MIN 2047. Fixed a bug in "remove-command" that could result in corruption of the device command cache (2017-12-15 02:00:19)
MIN 1173. Fixed devices menu reporting devices as not found or not installed (2017-02-06 21:02:46)
MIN 1054. 'Stargate telemetry received' message only when unit is focus of TP. (2017-02-22 22:39:48)
MIN 658. Add blank items to devices list menu for spacing (2017-01-11 08:11:50)
TRI 2293. Don't panic until after modprobe is done; prevents complaining during install (2019-02-25 01:46:26)
TRI 974. "device connected" should now only play once during a probe (2017-02-23 16:07:31)
TRI 524. Console attach in response to power off? (2016-12-14 08:28:35)

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