Typing Animation/Event Issues
Issue: ✓ Typing Animation/Event Issues
ID: 2658
Assignee: rhet0rica
Reported by: Darx Snowpaw
Date: 2021-10-03 15:29:14
Reported in: 8.6.2
Resolved in: 8.6.3
Product/Component: Companion - General
So I believe I have a clear understanding of the Typing Animations page you have on the website but I have encountered a bug that I believe not a whole lot of people would come across unless you have actually unchecked "Play Typing Animation..." via Preferences > Chat. Which is pretty much the only way the bug seems to be reproduceable, also confirming with Firestorm support it is checked true/on by default.

Was trying to get the visor to show 'Working' and 'Done' on typing but every time I had tried it it would pretty much cancel each other out and do absolutely nothing. Even with the update viewer that will "Show redirected chat typing" it still would not work. Releasing vox/rlv still would not allow it to work. If I detached the nanite controller it would work, but soon as it was attached it would stop. Tried to figure out ways around it but it seems like there is something in the controller that is blocking the animation/event from being tracked. Yet it is completely avoidable if you have the typing animation enabled on the viewer side. I guess what had me confused is that the old way of checking the agent typing was via the animation, and the new way is client side.

2 years ago rhet0rica:
There are two parts to the agent typing status: the actual playing of an animation (which an AO can choose to hook or not) and the typing flag that causes your nametag to change. Like certain other animations in SL (the 'away' animation, which contains no visible component), the system typing animation itself is how your viewer recognizes that typing is being performed. To check that an agent is typing, one can use either (llGetAgentInfo() & AGENT_TYPING) or checking to see if the avatar's llGetAnimationList() contains "c541c47f-e0c0-058b-ad1a-d6ae3a4584d9", the UUID of the "type" animation (per http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Internal_Animations). We use the first method, because it is much more efficient. I'm guessing when Kitty Barnett added the RLVa typing bypass to Firestorm, she chose to interpret the combination of "don't show typing animations" and "show redirected chat typing" to block the animation from generating the typing flag.