Small issues noticed in latest beta
Issue: ✓ Small issues noticed in latest beta
ID: 2333
Assignee: rhet0rica
Reported by: Bluebane Akula
Date: 2019-06-16 23:44:23
Reported in: 8.5b5
Resolved in: 8.5rc1
Priority: Moderate
Product/Component: Companion - General
i updated to the new 8.5b5 from 8.5b4 and have noticed since that the logo on the far left of the hud is a gray box and doesnt show anything. The other issue i have noticed is personas dont appear to be working correctly. It says its loaded but it doesnt change colour (eval loop used to change to yellow) and it doesnt display any of the text or sounds i put into my own custom personas.
Apart from them small issues it appears to be working really well ^_^