Vocabulary Memory Management Bug
Issue: ✓ Vocabulary Memory Management Bug
ID: 1897
Assignee: rhet0rica
Reported by: lilfae Resident
Date: 2017-05-27 17:19:46
Reported in: 8.4.2
Target version for fix: 8.5m1
Resolved in: 8.5m1
Priority: Moderate
Product/Component: Companion - General
Vocabulary script is not managing its memory well.

When you load a card, after its been loaded once already (Say you made changes afterwards) it takes up that much memory again, like its adding it to the end of the list.  Likewise, the changes made are not being made, suggesting its processing the old card in a FIFO manner, also delaying speech processing by quite a margin.

6 years ago rhet0rica:
Actually already have this fixed for 8.5.0; yes, it wasn't clearing its storage before loading a new file. Since the 8.4 version of fm_standard is in the SDK you can fix this yourself with a couple of lines that set the relevant lists to empty. (Guess which ones!)