ENH 2138. ✓ Added LUST_CHANNEL support to DDT (2018-04-29 21:55:13)
ENH 2038. ✓ Add CSU parameter to block standard charging ("charging-interface") (2017-12-19 20:03:19)
ENH 1944. ✓ Add MT_SERVICE identification information (2017-08-13 03:39:46)
ENH 1900. ✓ Multi-source interference (2017-05-28 06:04:08)
ENH 1141. ✓ implemented support for RCA (spectrum + 1) charging (2017-02-22 21:43:25)
ENH 1140. ✓ changed linked message passing model: messages over 1000 will now be passed to memory card without modification, except 2001 and 2002 (2017-02-22 21:43:34)
ENH 1113. ✓ move @puppet ddt into _coil; need more room in _puppet (2017-02-22 21:44:53)
ENH 1037. ✓ ddt now blocked from charger—because literally no one uses it right; you get a message telling you how to turn them on instead (2017-02-23 15:57:19)
ENH 999. ✓ added support for ACS,(...),CHARGER,WIRELESS (2017-02-22 22:36:09)
ENH 997. ✓ new ACS,welcome version format: NS:(model):(version) — e.g. NS:NS-112:8.1.3 (2017-02-22 22:36:02)
ENH 933. ✓ added @coil ddt (2017-02-22 22:28:30)
ENH 873. ✓ Lucian's power adventures: improved ACS,welcome to include standard but undocumented CCU private fields; prevented double-reconnect on attach (2017-02-22 22:24:53)
ENH 854. ✓ Improved and worsened ACS charging (2017-02-22 22:23:18)
ENH 816. ✓ added optional header file for coilDDT so messages can be named (2017-02-23 16:03:56)
ENH 751. ✓ @charge command for interfacing with chargers directly (2017-02-23 16:20:03)
ENH 721. ✓ interference now in _coil (introduced bug? interference not applied if shield fails) (2017-02-23 16:04:15)
MOD 1122. ✓ fixed: system failed to disconnect from chargers properly on relog or forced TP (2017-02-23 16:28:32)
MOD 975. ✓ "@coil status" math fixed. (2017-02-23 16:03:24)
MOD 950. ✓ drainprotect for ACS charging now fixed (2017-02-23 16:03:16)
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