bonds (Core Services Bus)
CRI 2670. Fixed security flaw that could grant rank 0 remote access regardless of settings (2021-10-02 18:46:49)
MAJ 2604. Improve RESTRICT implementation (2021-05-26 23:41:59)
MAJ 2209. Touching in mouselook does not work (2019-02-09 13:12:37)
MAJ 527. Add semifreeze to bonds/power/coil (2016-12-14 08:28:35)
ENH 2694. added more hover options, charging "pose" support (2021-11-24 16:49:36)
ENH 2343. Updated identity subsystem to hide nearby avatars when disabled (2019-04-26 18:10:44)
ENH 2037. Exempted attachments from induction-efficiency CSU parameter (2017-12-03 14:33:56)
ENH 1986. Raised power charge notice threshold from ±20 kJ to ±100 kJ (2017-09-24 02:57:04)
ENH 1972. Partial no-script-zone protection (2017-08-13 07:41:04)
ENH 1943. Add MT_SERVICE identification information (2017-08-13 03:39:41)
ENH 1919. Added 57 HOVER_RESET (2017-06-17 16:13:47)
ENH 1325. Added 86 FORCE_SIT (2017-05-21 17:23:13)
ENH 1309. Parcel windlight when restoring video settings (2017-05-07 18:05:39)
ENH 1187. induction-efficiency CSU keyword (2017-02-20 23:00:27)
ENH 1161. Improved overcharging protection: inverse square law past 20 m, consent required (2017-01-30 22:10:59)
ENH 1131. better handling for rezzing the controller on ground? spurious restraint applications should be less likely (2017-02-22 21:50:59)
ENH 1125. added power-on hover height adjustment and changed syntax of @hover to support it (2017-02-22 21:50:46)
ENH 1112. moved @follow from _arabesque to _bonds for pragmatics (2017-02-22 21:44:43)
ENH 1110. @optics (2017-02-22 21:44:29)
ENH 1108. solution for post-teleport blackout? inconclusive (2017-02-22 21:49:30)

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