issues with the hinge/lid upon the MESTA units currently distributed by the vendor
Issue: issues with the hinge/lid upon the MESTA units currently distributed by the vendor
ID: 3102
Assignee: rhet0rica
Reported by: cammi.doge
Date: 2023-10-11 16:20:16
Reported in: 8.6.4
Priority: Unconfirmed/New
Product/Component: Companion - General
Clicking the lid of the MESTA unit that is currently distributed from the vendor/update server results in the controller attempting startup immediately. This makes it very difficult to change batteries, as if you attempt to remove the battery, clicking the lid will make the controller boot up immediately after the battery door opens. This sometimes causes the controller to start without the battery, and the rapid startup/shutdown can cause severe issues with functionality of the controller as a whole, as well as causing RLV to "lock" the battery from being removed despite being ejected.

Several friends present tested previous, older models of the MESTA they received years prior, but still running an up to date version of companion. These units did not exhibit this problem.

To reproduce the issue:
0: acquire currently distributed MESTA unit either via redelivery or purchase
1: shut down unit
2: click battery door
3: the battery door will open, but the unit will also boot. This may or may not include booting with the battery already in the ejected position.
4: if the controller successfully boots, it will immediately shut down and the battery may be RLV locked, but also disconnected from the controller.