Holoprojector of Revenant misalignment whenever the controller is resized
Issue: Holoprojector of Revenant misalignment whenever the controller is resized
ID: 2825
Assignee: rhet0rica
Reported by: rezeict.jecies
Date: 2023-04-22 16:56:58
Reported in: 8.6.4
Priority: Unconfirmed/New
Product/Component: Companion - exhibition-dwm (sxdwm Touchscreen Support)
Whenever I try to resize the whole Revenant controller to better fit my avatar (without changing each prim), the holoprojector screen gets very misaligned: it changes its rotation/position in a way that is messy. More specifically, it rotates to left side and text gets messy too. This glitch doesn't happen right after editing the controller, it takes some time. It doesn't happen right after turning the holo off and back on. I think it might happen after relog.