Changed child inventory does not cause 2039 WAKE_CHANGED_INVENTORY to be sent to child prim.
Issue: Changed child inventory does not cause 2039 WAKE_CHANGED_INVENTORY to be sent to child prim.
ID: 2751
Assignee: rhet0rica
Reported by: Eristizia
Date: 2022-07-19 21:42:51
Reported in: 8.6.2
Priority: Unconfirmed/New
Product/Component: Companion - General
1.) Add a link-message listener to program-memory  :
{  state_entry() {
        list messages = [2039]; // linked message numbers your script handles - this is only empty because we don't handle anything special
        list commands = []; // commands your program handles
        set_identity(MT_LIBRARY, "example: wake on changed inventory", messages, commands); // this will emit a memory count in chat; use set_identity_quiet() to avoid
        //hibernate(); // suspend execution without using kernel: llSetScriptState(llGetScriptName(), FALSE);
    link_message(integer SendersLink, integer Value, string Text, key ID)
    {  llOwnerSay(llDumpList2String([SendersLink,Value,Text,ID],"::"));
2.) Rename the script.
Expected result: a 2039 message.
Actual result: no link message is received in the program-memory prim.