When using the AO in the CSU typing animations stop the standing animations, instead of overlapping.
Issue: ✓ When using the AO in the CSU typing animations stop the standing animations, instead of overlapping.
ID: 2667
Assignee: rhet0rica
Reported by: Sephi Mystic
Date: 2022-11-03 07:01:14
Reported in: 8.6.2
Resolved in: 8.5.7
Priority: Moderate
Product/Component: Chassis Specification Unit - General
When the kinematics within the CSU is used as the AO, the typing animation completely stops the standing animation. This can lead to some odd visuals as most typing animations are only moving the hands. Even removing the Typing animation entirely from the AO causes this behavior. The only workaround I've found is checking off the Firestorm setting for typing animations, but this will also stop head mouth movement, and other typing triggers such as the Polychrome Visor.

a year ago rhet0rica:
Solved—update out soon!