ID: 2612
Assignee: rhet0rica
Reported by: Midnightminion Cyberstar
Date: 2021-06-09 11:46:37
Reported in: 2.2.1
Priority: Enhancement
Product/Component: Generic Handle - dresser
The Handles sold for Companion always assume that you will have your dresser folder in #RLV/~NS/dresser However, I have other collars that prefer to use #RLV/dresser .
Currently I leave the NS/dresser folder missing, so that the handles default to the root level and then manually select dresser. However, it would be nice to have a notecard config setting to tell my Handles to simply start in the desired directory so that I can have one set of folders used by all my collars and scripts.
Currently I leave the NS/dresser folder missing, so that the handles default to the root level and then manually select dresser. However, it would be nice to have a notecard config setting to tell my Handles to simply start in the desired directory so that I can have one set of folders used by all my collars and scripts.