ID: 2611
Assignee: rhet0rica
Reported by: Trep Cosmo
Date: 2021-05-31 19:20:47
Reported in: 0.7.6
Priority: Unconfirmed/New
Product/Component: TESI - emotion (Temperament Simulator)
TESI coolant contaminants at or below 0.0 are not removed from the fluids list when metabolism is disabled (metabolism-rate 0.0 in CSU)
Draining the contaminants or coolant as a whole have the same effect. Upon refilling the contaminants persist.
"Good catch. We did not think of that, no, which is a nuisance since it could run out of memory quickly if you have, say, dozens of of contaminants at 0 volume."
Draining the contaminants or coolant as a whole have the same effect. Upon refilling the contaminants persist.
"Good catch. We did not think of that, no, which is a nuisance since it could run out of memory quickly if you have, say, dozens of of contaminants at 0 volume."