Handle - Dress folders 8.6.0 does not list... folder is set up properly
Issue: ✓ Handle - Dress folders 8.6.0 does not list... folder is set up properly
ID: 2538
Assignee: rhet0rica
Reported by: alprunty
Date: 2022-07-31 16:34:07
Reported in: 8.6m1
Resolved in: 2.2.0
Priority: Duplicate or Already Resolved
Product/Component: Generic Handle - dresser
I have the folder dresser in the ~NS directory and since I put it there I am finally getting a response in chat.  I have 3 outfits in it... and none of them list when I click the handle and Dress

My file structure can be seen here...


When I click I get only two directories listed a tilde ~ and the pipe |

This is what I see on the local chat.

[21:50:41] i0n (rear_handle): Checking authorization...
[21:50:41] i0n (rear_handle): ~
[21:50:41] i0n (rear_handle): |
[21:50:41] i0n (rear_handle) (refresh)

I have tried rebooting myself and everything no luck.  I am running the revnant controller with it's loaded 8.6 version as downloaded from the mainframe event.