CSU interferes with Mouselook - EG Weapons stop responding after first use.
Issue: ✓ CSU interferes with Mouselook - EG Weapons stop responding after first use.
ID: 2501
Assignee: rhet0rica
Reported by: Daekar.Crimson
Date: 2021-01-22 04:57:19
Reported in: 8.5rc5
Resolved in: 8.6m2
Product/Component: Companion - General
Just had multiple users test and confirm this. While wearing a CSU, NS mouselook weapons cease to function after their first shot, reloading, or if you leave mouselook for any reason until the weapon is re-holstered. Removing the CSU resolves this issue.

3 years ago rhet0rica:
This is a well-known problem and unfortunately not solvable. The CSU, like vehicles and weapons, depends on control hooks to produce movement sounds, and SL isn't very good at sharing control hooks between multiple scripts. There are a lot of known quirks and bugs with how the llTakeControls() API works, and LL is afraid to fix any of them lest they break legacy code.