Personas not fully loading
Issue: Personas not fully loading
ID: 2482
Assignee: rhet0rica
Reported by: odeme
Date: 2020-11-05 23:09:20
Reported in: unknown
Priority: Inconclusive/Insufficient Data
Product/Component: Companion - General
Testing Firmware version: 8.6.0 build 200402 (ATOS/CX technical preview 1)
Changing personas does not process the "name" line in the px_ file to change the unit name with the persona, nor does it seem to be processing any "gender" lines. It is reading the px_ file, though (controller is changing colors and writing remarks to chat as appropriate). Items in the ~ns/persona/[name] folder are also not attaching, nor are items in ~ns/[name] (I copied folders into both places to test it).

3 years ago rhet0rica:
Might be an access level issue. @name and @gender both require manager or owner rank.