Math error - Meteorological Station 3.1
Issue: ✓ Math error - Meteorological Station 3.1
ID: 2467
Assignee: rhet0rica
Reported by: Daekar.Crimson
Date: 2021-06-21 19:20:22
Reported in: 8.5.7
Resolved in: 3.1
Priority: Critical
Product/Component: Weather System - weather-station
[16:06] NS Meteorological Station 3.1 [script:_weather-station] Script run-time error
[16:06] Math Error

Ran for about twenty minutes with the following settings. No users on sim were using an NS controller.

zone world
base_temperature 30
amplitude 5
altitude_dropoff 0.0165
water_dropoff 0.016
air_pressure 101.325
water_pressure 10.1325
water_level 20