XSU Version 8.5rc3 Bug
Issue: ✓ XSU Version 8.5rc3 Bug
ID: 2395
Assignee: rhet0rica
Reported by: BlackHeartTheBigBadWolf Resident
Date: 2020-07-24 09:21:29
Reported in: 8.5rc3
Resolved in: 8.6m1
Priority: Duplicate or Already Resolved
Product/Component: Companion - General
After teleporting i tried to talk into nearby and the chat never goes though, the !working fx start to work again and never stops, rebooting, shutdown detaching and adding the controller back on and resetting everything using the blue menu dose not fix it, just locks up the chat but everything else works fine, only fix i have found is to unpack a new controller and use it until it happens again.

3 years ago rhet0rica:
Probably a stuck vox filter.