Domain user pool and manage self flags conflict
Issue: ✓ Domain user pool and manage self flags conflict
ID: 1913
Assignee: rhet0rica
Reported by: ushao.murakami
Date: 2017-06-12 09:46:50
Reported in: 1.0.0
Resolved in: 0.1
Priority: Moderate
Product/Component: Xanadu Network Management Server - XNMS-core
Pretty much what it says on the tin. USERS_POOL seems to override MANAGE_SELF and adds a unit to their own users list as a level 0. MANAGE_SELF does not allow a unit whose role also has USERS_POOL to manage themselves. Order of the flags does not matter, user pool always overrides.

6 years ago rhet0rica:
Resolved for version 1.1. An update will be pushed this weekend (Sat Jun 17 2017).