_oem file can now contain system commands, just like an arabesque script with no parameter substitution
Issue: ✓ _oem file can now contain system commands, just like an arabesque script with no parameter substitution
ID: 1154
Assignee: rhet0rica
Date: 2017-02-22 21:40:21
Target version for fix: 8.3.2
Resolved in: 8.3.2
Priority: Enhancement
Product/Component: Companion - foundation (BIOS)
any unrecognized verb will be passed on as a normal 1 (COMMAND) message. Rejoice; you can now use this to hardcode things like gender and access settings. Keep in mind that _oem files already support color, so be sure to use floating-point format and omit 'save', e.g. 'color 1 0 1' for cyan