32 bugs
emotion (Temperament Simulator)System add-on module for Companion. Tracks excitation, sensors, and cryolubricant. Manages #RLV changes relating to cryolubricant levels. Embellishes with sounds as appropriate.
1 bug
Fluid Transfer HUDTactile Excitation Sensor Interface, also known as 'Emotion.' See also API page.
0 bugs
haptic (Haptic Utilities)Optional application for enriching the TESI experience. Tracks what animations are playing and adds arousal accordingly; applies RLV folders and triggers system events based on relative fluid volume.
0 bugs
Refilling Station (CLRS)Tactile Excitation Sensor Interface, also known as 'Emotion.' See also API page.
4 bugs
sensorsCode located inside the sensors themselves. Names used may include _posterior, _sensor, _slave, and _touch.